Econ job market teaching evaluation comments

My evaluations were reasonably good in the past years. This year, I noticed one trouble student ever since after the first midterm. He insisted not to drop the course despite very bad performance in the midterm. Although it is anonymous, I am still quite positive that the nasty comment on my evaluation form is from him.

6 years ago # QUOTE 8 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist

That is why median is preferred to mean. IMHO, the worst evaluations tend to come from those who were caught cheating. Also, students who need constant help and end up not doing well turn around and bite you on the butt at evaluation time.

6 years ago # QUOTE 10 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist

For the sake of the struggling student who stayed in after a bad performance of the first midterm, did much better, and did not write any negative evaluations, I hope you don’t take it out on your suspected negative reviewer via grading discretion.

6 years ago # QUOTE 0 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist
^ Ideally the course evals are distributed to faculty after grades are submitted. 6 years ago # QUOTE 0 Good 1 No Giod ! Economist

Yes. I got them only after submitting the grades. So I do not have any control over it. This makes us faculty quite vulnerable in the end.

^ Ideally the course evals are distributed to faculty after grades are submitted.
6 years ago # QUOTE 2 Good 1 No Giod ! Economist
We are more serious about your evaluations on ratemyprof 6 years ago # QUOTE 0 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist

That's always the case. A group of little Shi*ts were being loud in one of my classes. Yadda, yadda, I think they were pissed that I did not tolerate their bs. They decided to lie on the comments. Made up a bunch of stuff. I still managed to get average evaluations. I just hate that some little shi*ts think they can hold you hostage .

6 years ago # QUOTE 3 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist

Can not agree more. In my case, I am pretty sure who the little s**ts are. But you cannot do anything about it. The system is obviously broken.

That's always the case. A group of little Shi*ts were being loud in one of my classes. Yadda, yadda, I think they were pissed that I did not tolerate their bs.
They decided to lie on the comments. Made up a bunch of stuff. I still managed to get average evaluations. I just hate that some little shi*ts think they can hold you hostage .

6 years ago # QUOTE 2 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist

Can not agree more. In my case, I am pretty sure who the little s**ts are. But you cannot do anything about it. The system is obviously broken. That's always the case. A group of little Shi*ts were being loud in one of my classes. Yadda, yadda, I think they were pissed that I did not tolerate their bs.
They decided to lie on the comments. Made up a bunch of stuff. I still managed to get average evaluations. I just hate that some little shi*ts think they can hold you hostage .

create an informal blacklist in the department to fiek the student from freshman times to end of times!

6 years ago # QUOTE 3 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist
There are many corrupted and spoiled students. There should be anonymous “rate my students” website. 6 years ago # QUOTE 1 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist
There are many corrupted and spoiled students. There should be anonymous “rate my students” website.
yes. especially in business schools. 6 years ago # QUOTE 0 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist

You guys clearly do not understand rational forward looking equilibria. And my students do understand those. Create the reputation that in response to bad evaluations you make blood rain, and you will never get bad evaluations again.

6 years ago # QUOTE 1 Good 4 No Giod ! Economist

Also, students who need constant help and end up not doing well turn around and bite you on the butt at evaluation time.

I've been surprised at how often this happens 6 years ago # QUOTE 1 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist

Two midterms that are easy and a final that is impossible. Time the second midterm to give most of the class A's just before evals open. Use the final to correct the grade distribution.

6 years ago # QUOTE 2 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist
What do you idiots think grades are?
There are many corrupted and spoiled students. There should be anonymous “rate my students” website.
yes. especially in business schools. 6 years ago # QUOTE 1 Good 1 No Giod ! Economist

Exactly. One of the lying comments I received is that I am slow in responding emails. Are you f**king kidding me? I have all records of student emails and I've replied to all in a timely manner. The lair seems simply out of bad comments that he can make up. I sometimes lose my faith in the people in this country by observing how these bad apples behavior when they are even in college.

There are many corrupted and spoiled students. There should be anonymous “rate my students” website.
6 years ago # QUOTE 2 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist

One year I had a student evaluation saying that I was always late because I am always outside smoking a cigarette at the start of class time. I was never late and I don't smoke. Not sure if the student was lying or just came to class so infrequently they had me confused with another prof. I also had a couple if students say that I never made myself available and was never around for office hours. That never happened, and I constantly take appointments outside office hours and respond to stupid emails, often very late at night. Sometimes it seems the more you go out of your way, the more ungrateful and vindictive the s**tiee students are.

Exactly. One of the lying comments I received is that I am slow in responding emails. Are you f**king kidding me? I have all records of student emails and I've replied to all in a timely manner. The lair seems simply out of bad comments that he can make up.
I sometimes lose my faith in the people in this country by observing how these bad apples behavior when they are even in college. There are many corrupted and spoiled students. There should be anonymous “rate my students” website.

6 years ago # QUOTE 4 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist

One year I had a student evaluation saying that I was always late because I am always outside smoking a cigarette at the start of class time. I was never late and I don't smoke. Not sure if the student was lying or just came to class so infrequently they had me confused with another prof.
I also had a couple if students say that I never made myself available and was never around for office hours. That never happened, and I constantly take appointments outside office hours and respond to stupid emails, often very late at night. Sometimes it seems the more you go out of your way, the more ungrateful and vindictive the s**tiee students are.

Exactly. One of the lying comments I received is that I am slow in responding emails. Are you f**king kidding me? I have all records of student emails and I've replied to all in a timely manner. The lair seems simply out of bad comments that he can make up.
I sometimes lose my faith in the people in this country by observing how these bad apples behavior when they are even in college. There are many corrupted and spoiled students. There should be anonymous “rate my students” website.

That is very true 6 years ago # QUOTE 0 Good 0 No Giod ! Economist

That is why median is preferred to mean. IMHO, the worst evaluations tend to come from those who were caught cheating. Also, students who need constant help and end up not doing well turn around and bite you on the butt at evaluation time.