Sample Manager Managed Florida Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement


THIS OPERATING AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) effective as of this [REDACTED] day of [REDACTED], 2022 by and among [REDACTED], LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the “Company”); [REDACTED ENTITY NAME], a [REDACTED STATE] limited liability company (“[REDACTED]”); [REDACTED ENTITY NAME], a [REDACTED STATE] limited liability company (“[REDACTED]”); and [REDACTED ENTITY NAME], a [REDACTED STATE] limited liability company (“[REDACTED]”, and together with [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], the “Initial Members”); and the other persons listed from time to time on Schedule I to this Agreement as Members (collectively, the “Additional Members”).


  1. The Initial Members have established a business (the “Business”) for purpose of [REDACTED] in the State of Florida pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida; and
  2. The Company was formed by the Initial Members pursuant to Articles of Organization (the “Articles”) filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Florida.
  3. The Initial Members have agreed to contribute all of their right, title and interest in the Business to the Company.
  4. The Company and [REDACTED ENTITY NAME] a Florida corporation (“[REDACTED]”) have entered into a Contract dated as of [REDACTED DATE] (the “[REDACTED]”), pursuant to which the Company has agreed to grant [REDACTED INTEREST HOLDER] a membership interest in the Company in exchange for certain consulting services.
  5. [REDACTED NAME] (on behalf of the Company) and [REDACTED NAME] and [REDACTED NAME] (“Optionors”) have entered into an Option Agreement dated as of [REDACTED DATE] (the “OptionAgreement”), pursuant to which the Optionors have granted the Company an option (the “Option”) to purchase [REDACTED AMT] shares (the [REDACTED]”) of the common stock of [REDACTED ENTITY NAME] a Florida corporation (“[REDACTED]”), for a price of $[REDACTED AMT].
  6. The [REDACTED] represent [REDACTED AMT]% of the outstanding shares of [REDACTED].
  7. The Company and the Initial Members have agreed to enter into this Agreement for the purpose of: (i) adopting this Agreement as the Operating Agreement of the Company; and (iii) setting forth the rights and duties of the Members of the Company.


NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows:


Capitalized Terms. The following capitalized terms used in this Agreement have the meanings set forth below:

Act” means the Florida Limited Liability Company Act, as the same may be amended from time to time.

Affiliate” means any Person who directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, another Person.

Agreement” means this Agreement as it may be amended from time to time.

Articles of Organization” means the Articles of Organization of the Company filed with the Florida Secretary of State in accordance with the Act, as the same may be amended from time to time.

Bankruptcy” or “Bankrupt” means, with respect to any Member, a Member making an assignment for the benefit of creditors, a Member becoming a party in any manner to any liquidation or dissolution action or proceeding with respect to such Member or any bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency or other proceeding for the relief of financially distressed debtors with respect to such Member, or a receiver, liquidator, custodian or trustee being appointed for such Member or a substantial part of such Member’s assets, and, if any of the same occur involuntarily, the same not being dismissed, stayed or discharged within ninety (90) business days, or the entry of an order for relief against such Member under Title 11 of the United States Code or any state bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding. A Member shall be deemed Bankrupt if the Bankruptcy of such Member shall have occurred.

Capital Account” means, as to any Member, the capital account maintained for each Member in accordance with Section 5.1 of this Agreement.

Capital Contribution” means, as to each Member, the amount of capital contributed by such Member in accordance with Article 4 of this Agreement. Any reference in this Agreement to the Capital Contribution of a Member will include the Capital Contributions made by any predecessor in interest of such Member in respect of such Interest of such Member.

Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

Entity” means a Person other than a natural person and includes, without limitation, corporations (both non-profit and other corporations), partnerships (both limited, limited liability, general), trusts, joint ventures, limited liability companies, and unincorporated associations.

Fiscal Year” has the meaning set forth in Section 7.4 of this Agreement.

Interest” means the limited liability company interest of a Member in the Company at any particular time, including the right of such Member to any and all benefits to which a Member may be entitled under this Agreement, together with the obligations of such Member to comply with all of terms and provisions of this Agreement.

Manager” means the Person selected to serve as the Manager pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

Members” means the Initial Members and all other Persons admitted as Additional Members or substituted Members pursuant to this Agreement, so long as they remain Members.

Net Cash Flow” means, for any period, the Company’s cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of such period, increased by all cash received by the Company during such period from all sources (other than Capital Contributions), reduced by all cash expenditures during such period (including any principal and interest payments on the Company’s indebtedness during such period and any Management Fees), and further reduced by the amount of a working capital reserve to meet the anticipated working capital requirements of the Company, as established by the Manager.

Net Income” and “Net Loss” means, for each fiscal year or other period, the taxable income or loss of the Company, or particular items thereof, determined in accordance with the accounting method used by the Company for federal income tax purposes with the following adjustments: (a) all items of income, gain, loss, deduction or expense specially allocated pursuant to this Agreement shall not be taken into account in computing such taxable income or loss; (b) any income of the Company that is exempt from federal income taxation and not otherwise taken into account in computing Net Income and Net Loss shall be added to such taxable income or loss; (c) if the book value of any asset differs from its adjusted tax basis for federal income tax purposes, any gain or loss resulting from a disposition of such asset shall be calculated with reference to such book value; (d) upon an adjustment to the book value of any asset pursuant to the definition of book value, the amount of the adjustment shall be included as gain or loss in computing such taxable income or loss; (e) if the book value of any asset differs from its adjusted tax basis for federal income tax purposes the amount of depreciation, amortization or cost recovery deductions with respect to such asset for purposes of determining Net Income and Net Loss shall be an amount which bears the same ratio to such book value as the federal income tax depreciation, amortization or other cost recovery deductions bears to such adjusted tax basis (provided that if the federal income tax depreciation, amortization or other cost recovery deduction is zero, the Manager may use any reasonable method for purposes of determining depreciation, amortization or other cost recovery deductions in calculating Net Income and Net Loss); and (f) except for items in (a) above, any expenditures of the Company not deductible in computing taxable income or loss, not properly capitalizable and not otherwise taken into account in computing Net Income and Net Loss pursuant to this definition, shall be treated as deductible items.

Person” means any individual or Entity, and the heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns to such Person as the context may require.

Treasury Regulations” means the regulations of the U.S. Department of the Treasury promulgated under the Code, as such Treasury Regulations may be amended from time to time (including corresponding provisions of succeeding regulations).

Transfer” has the meaning given to such term in Section 9.2 of this Agreement.


2. 1. Formation. The Company has been formed as a limited liability company pursuant to the provisions of the Act. The rights and duties of the Members, and the affairs of the Company, will be governed by the provisions of this Agreement, the Articles of Organization and the Act.

2. 2. Articles of Organization and Related Documents. From time to time, the Members will execute such certificates, qualifications to do business, fictitious name certificates, or similar filings in such jurisdictions as the Manager may determine from time to time to be necessary or appropriate in connection with the conduct of the business of the Company or to provide notification of the limitation of liability of Members under applicable law.

2. 3 Name. The name of the Company will be “[REDACTED], LLC” or such other name as may be selected from time to time by the Manager.

2.4 Principal Office. The principal office of the Company will be located at such location as the Manager may determine from time to time. The Company will promptly notify the Members of any change in the Company’s principal office.

2.5 Other Offices. The Company may have such other offices as the Manager may determine from time to time.

2.6 Term. The existence of the Company will continue until the Company is dissolved in accordance with the terms of this Agreement or the Act.

2.7 Change of Registered Agent or Registered Office. The registered agent and the registered office may be changed from time to time at the direction of the Manager.


3.1 Purposes of the Company. The purposes of the Company are:

3.2 Powers. The Company will have all powers of a limited liability company under the Act and the power to do all things necessary or convenient to accomplish its purposes as set forth in Section 3.1.