Academic Information

Students must adhere to graduation requirements listed in the catalog in effect at the time of enrollment into the University. From an academic perspective, a student may choose to use any catalog subsequent to the catalog in effect at the time of enrollment into the University, provided the catalog chosen is not expired. The graduation requirements under student’s chosen catalog remain in effect for the student until degree completion or catalog expiration of six years, whichever comes first. All students re-admitted to programs at California Baptist University after officially or unofficially withdrawing, or any lapse of enrollment of more than one semester, will be placed under the catalog current at the time of re-admission and will be subject to the degree requirements outlined in that catalog. The University is not responsible for providing courses or programs which have been discontinued.

At the University’s discretion, policies, tuition and fees, and other information may change annually and will apply to all students. Updates regarding current policies, tuition and fees, and other information are available from Academic Advising, Office of the University Registrar, Student Accounts, Student Services, and other University offices.

Graduation Check List (Bachelors)

Students should review their InsideCBU degree guide on a regular basis to evaluate progress toward graduation. To be considered for graduation, students must:

Approval for Graduation

Students should submit an application for graduation upon successful completion of ninety (90) or more earned units. Once the application is submitted, the University Registrar will complete a degree evaluation and audit, verifying the student’s eligibility to graduate, which qualifies the student to participate in commencement ceremonies. To avoid a Late Graduation Application fee, Graduation Applications must be submitted by the application deadline. Students submitting applications after the degree posting date will be required to apply for the next eligible degree date. Student’s inability to complete degree requirements by the designated degree posting date may require re-application and an additional fee.

Space within each commencement exercise is limited. Students submitting a Late Graduation Application may participate in the immediate commencement on a space availability basis. However, although student’s degree will post upon completion of degree requirements, the student may be deferred to the subsequent commencement ceremony.

Graduation Honors

Honors are awarded to baccalaureate degree students according to the following cumulative grade point average: Cum Laude, 3.50; Magna Cum Laude, 3.70; Summa Cum Laude, 3.90. Post-baccalaureate students (Second Major/Second Degree) are not eligible for graduation honors.

Honors are awarded to associate degree students according to the following cumulative grade point average: Honors, 3.50; High Honors, 3.70; Highest Honors, 3.9. To be eligible for graduation honors, associate degree students must have completed at least 30 units of coursework at California Baptist University of which 18 units or more must be letter grades.

Honors announced at the commencement ceremony represent the cumulative grade point average at the completion of the semester prior to the semester of the degree posting. Degrees and honors awarded in the ceremony are conditional upon completion of all course requirements in accordance with university policies.

Degree Posting Dates

The University posts degrees three times each year, regardless of the specific date all work is completed. All degree requirements must be met prior to the posting date. The three approximate posting dates are at the end of the regular fall semester (last day in December), the end of the regular spring semester (first Friday in May), and the end of the regular summer semester (last day in August). Degrees completed between posting dates will be posted at the next scheduled date.

Once the degree is posted, no changes will be made to the transcript.

English Writing Proficiency

All students must demonstrate proficiency in writing standard English. They may do so by earning at least a C- (or demonstrating comparable writing competence) in both ENG 113 - Composition and ENG 123 - Intermediate Composition (or ENG 113E and 123E ). Students are placed in composition courses based on SAT/ACT/CLT scores or transfer coursework. Students wishing to challenge their placement may take an English placement exam one time prior to the last day to add a course in their first semester of enrollment at CBU. Students are required to enroll in the composition requirements until successfully completed. No student is eligible to graduate unless the Office of the University Registrar’s official records show the English proficiency requirements have been met.

Requirement for Units Completed at California Baptist University

Students seeking a bachelor’s degree are required to complete 36 units at California Baptist University, of which at least 30 units must be taken at the upper division level (300 level and 400 level courses). Students seeking an associate degree are required to complete 30 units at California Baptist University.

General Education

The General Education curriculum consists of 40-55 units of coursework designed to provide the student with a strong and diverse academic preparation. In keeping with the ideal of a liberal arts education, the general education curriculum provides students with a broad exposure to the world of ideas and the arts to secure a foundation for students to successfully move into their major of study. In addition, a decidedly Christian perspective is integrated into the requirements and afford the student an opportunity to develop a Christian worldview.

Majors and Minors

When completing a major and minor, twenty-four (24) units must be unique to the major, of which at least eighteen (18) must be upper division. Nine (9) upper division units must be unique to the minor. Coursework for credit toward a major, minor, or concentration must be passed with a minimum grade of C- and an overall average in the major or minor of 2.0 or higher. Certain disciplines may also require a minimum grade of C (2.0) in the lower-division prerequisites. Science courses with virtual labs may not meet major requirements.

Upper Division

Students must complete a minimum of 39 units of upper division coursework for graduation of which at least 30 units must be completed at California Baptist University. Upper division requirements can only be fulfilled with courses at the 300 and 400 (Junior and Senior) level. Lower division units cannot be used to fulfill upper division requirements. Upper division requirements for which a student receives an academic variance must be replaced by upper division electives. Students seeking substitutions and exemptions must submit an Academic Variance Form for approval.

Double Major

Students who wish to concurrently complete two majors may do so by meeting the following conditions:

  1. Students complete all of the required courses listed in the catalog for both majors;
  2. Not more than four (4) upper division courses may be common to both majors; and
  3. Twenty-four (24) units must be unique to each major, of which at least eighteen (18) units must be upper division.

Second Major

Students who previously earned a baccalaureate degree at another institution and wish to complete an additional major at California Baptist University must complete all requirements for the major as listed in the catalog current at the time of enrollment into the University. The student must complete the regular graduation application process. Students completing a second major will receive a certificate of completion. No certificate is granted for an additional minor.

Additional Major or Minor

Students who previously earned a baccalaureate degree at California Baptist University may complete an additional major or minor by completing all requirements for the major or minor, as listed in the catalog current at the time of readmission to the University. For an additional major, a minimum of twenty-four (24) units must be unique to the major and at least eighteen (18) units must be upper division. Nine (9) upper division units must be unique to the minor. The student must complete the graduation re-application process. Students completing an additional major will receive a certificate of completion. No certificate is granted for an additional minor.

Second Degree

Students seeking a second baccalaureate degree must complete a minimum of thirty (30) distinct units in a second area of major studies. Twenty-four (24) of these units must be at the upper division level (300 level and 400 level courses). A minimum of 154 total units are required for graduation with a second degree. All general education (if different from first degree), prerequisites, supporting courses, and departmental requirements for each major and degree, including units completed at California Baptist University, must be completed.


An elective course is one which a student takes because of personal interest and is used to fulfill overall degree requirements. Electives may be taken from the regular University courses offered in each department. Students should plan carefully and complete prescribed coursework first to avoid a scenario in which more than 124 semester units are necessary in order to graduate.

Academic Policies

Transfer Restrictions

A maximum of 100 semester units may be accepted in transfer toward fulfilling bachelor degree requirements. Within these 100 units, no more than thirty (30) upper division units may be transferred and no more than ninety (90) lower division units may be transferred. A maximum of thirty (30) semester units is allowable from examinations (AP, CLEP, DANTES, IB). A maximum of eighteen (18) units may be accepted in transfer at the lower division level for college transcript completion of a Basic Peace Officer Standards Training (POST) certificate. A maximum of 45 semester units may be accepted in transfer toward fulfilling associate degree requirements.

The University will evaluate previous college work to determine its relationship to the requirements of California Baptist University. Only coursework completed with a grade of C- or better will be accepted in transfer. Lower division units and units from institutions that do not offer a baccalaureate degree will not be accepted for upper division credit. California Baptist University does not accept transfer work that was not designated as baccalaureate degree-applicable by the issuing institution.

All coursework completed at other institutions will be computed into the California Baptist University cumulative grade point average regardless of course transferability.

Advanced Placement Credit

Students who score three (3) or higher on an Advanced Placement (AP) exam will receive three units of lower division credit for the equivalent course. For the most current AP score information contact the Office of the University Registrar or visit InsideCBU. More information about the AP Program is available on the College Board website at

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DSST

Students wishing to receive credit for CLEP or DANTES Single Subject Tests (DSST) must provide to the University an official transcript issued by the College Board or by DSST. It is the student’s responsibility to seek clarification of degree requirements before taking an examination. Examinations may not be repeated within six months of the testing date. Additional information about acceptable CLEP and DSST exams and scores is available on InsideCBU.

For the most current CLEP score information, contact the Office of the University Registrar or visit InsideCBU. Check the CLEP website at for testing locations.

Enrollment at Other Institutions

In order to ensure that coursework is transferable to California Baptist University, enrolled California Baptist University students who wish to complete coursework at other institutions and apply this work toward degree requirements at California Baptist University should receive prior approval from the Office of the University Registrar. Coursework completed at another institution without securing California Baptist University’s prior approval for the course(s) may not be accepted as transferable. Additional information and appropriate forms are available on InsideCBU.

Credit Hour

California Baptist University defines a credit hour as a minimum of 45 hours of engaged learning time over the duration of a term. This engaged learning time may be in face-to-face meetings, in a prescribed lab or internship/practicum setting, in synchronous or asynchronous online learning activities, hybrid courses, or in independent reading, research, or writing activities.

Course Load

The standard academic load for undergraduate students is 12-18 units. A student may be approved to register for more than eighteen (18) units if the student has 1) a 3.0 cumulative GPA, 2) a minimum 3.0 California Baptist University session GPA in the preceding semester, 3) no outstanding incomplete course work, and 4) is in good academic standing. Permission for overload is granted on a semester-by-semester basis.

Classification of Students

At the beginning of each semester all students are officially classified in the following manner:

Freshman Any student who has less than 30 semester units
Sophomore Any regular student who has earned 30-59 semester units
Junior Any regular student who has earned 60-89 semester units
Senior Any regular student who has earned 90 or more semester units
Graduate Any regular student who has completed a bachelor’s degree and is studying in a post-baccalaureate credential or certificate program, a master’s program, or a doctoral program.

Scholastic Regulations

An undergraduate student must maintain scholastic standards to remain enrolled at California Baptist University. A student must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 to graduate.

Academic Probation

A student who does not maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or who does not earn a minimum semester GPA of 1.7 will be placed on Academic Probation. A student on Academic Probation will be required to meet with an Academic Advisor to adjust their schedule and develop a course plan. In addition, the student may be required to participate in Academic Course on Excellence (GST 061 ). A student who earns a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and a minimum semester GPA of 1.7 during the probationary semester will no longer be on Academic Probation. A student on Academic Probation who does not achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in the probationary semester but does earn a 2.3 semester GPA will continue on Academic Probation.

Academic Suspension

A student who fails to earn a 2.0 cumulative GPA and a 1.7 semester GPA OR a 2.3 semester GPA during the probationary semester will be placed on Academic Suspension. Additionally, a student who fails all academic courses during any given semester will immediately be placed on Academic Suspension. To continue enrollment at California Baptist University, a student on Academic Suspension must appeal to and be approved by the Admissions and Retention Committee. If approved to continue, a student will be placed on Academic Probation, may be required to participate in Academic Course on Excellence (GST 061 ), and will be held to the restrictions and requirements of the Academic Probation status.

Academic Disqualification

A student who is suspended for a second consecutive semester will be academically disqualified and may not enroll at California Baptist University for at least one semester. To regain academic qualification, a student must demonstrate the educational skills and motivation necessary to be academically successful. Requirements to demonstrate the necessary skills and motivation will be outlined in each student’s appeal decision letter and may include completing 9-12 community college units of academic coursework in a single semester, earning a 2.3 semester grade point average or better. A student who has demonstrated academic success may then appeal to the Admissions and Retention Committee for readmission to California Baptist University under Academic Probation status. A student may need to readmit to the University prior to enrolling (see Satisfactory Academic Progress in the Financial Aid section and Readmit in the Traditional On-Campus Admissions section).

Following the close of each semester, a letter of notification will be sent to each student who has a change in academic status. All appeals related to the above regulations should be directed to the Chair of the Admissions and Retention Committee in compliance with dates detailed in the letter.

Student Grievances

A student wishing to express concerns or grievances about academic matters involving coursework or interactions with instructors should first contact the instructor involved so that there is opportunity for each to address the specific student concerns. If the student feels unable to approach the instructor directly or does not believe the issue has been fully resolved with the instructor, the student should contact the Department Chair or Dean of the School or College having oversight of that course. If issues remain unresolved at these levels, the final academic point of contact is dependent on the California Baptist University division in which the student is enrolled.

For disputes involving conduct prohibited under the University’s Title IX Policy, students, staff, and faculty are expected to promptly notify the Title IX Coordinator for proceedings consistent with the Title IX Policy.

Academic Dishonesty

Please refer to the California Baptist University Student Handbook, Honor Code.

Credit/No Credit Courses

A student may take up to twelve (12) units of coursework on a “credit/no credit” basis in lieu of a letter grade. ENG 113, 113E, 123, and 123E (English Composition) may not be taken on a “credit/no credit” basis, and not more than two (2) courses in general education may be taken on a “credit/no credit” basis.

Only one course may be taken per semester on a “credit/no credit” basis. All courses in the student’s major or minor field must be taken for a letter grade.

Students must choose this grading option during the Add/Drop Period. In order to receive credit for work completed on a “credit/no credit” basis, the work must be equivalent to a C- grade or better. The grade of “credit” does not affect the GPA calculations; a grade of “no credit” has the same effect on the GPA calculation as a failing grade.


Some courses are graded on a “pass/fail” basis. The grade of “pass” does not affect the GPA calculations; a grade of “fail” has the same effect on the GPA calculation as a failing grade.

Incomplete Grade Policy

Students may only request an Incomplete from the instructor of the course in cases of extreme and unforeseen emergencies. Students are responsible to request the Incomplete prior to the end of the semester in which the student is taking the course. If the Incomplete grade is not changed to a passing grade within six weeks of the end of the session, term, or semester, the grade automatically becomes an F and credit for the course may be obtained only by repeating the course. Students who receive an Incomplete will not be eligible for semester honors (Provost’s or President’s Honor Roll). An Incomplete grade may adversely affect students receiving financial aid.

Satisfactory Progress Grade Policy

Students may only request a grade of Satisfactory Progress (SP) for courses that include a requirement of fieldwork, student teaching, and/or observation hours for completion of the course and that requirement cannot be completed within the semester for which the student was enrolled into the course. Students may only petition faculty members for a SP grade when the student is unable to complete the fieldwork during the semester due to conditions outside of the student’s control. If a grade of SP is not raised to a passing grade within twelve (12) months of the issuance of the SP grade, the grade automatically becomes an F and credit for the course may be obtained only by repeating the course. An SP grade may not be used to extend the six-week time frame of an Incomplete Grade.

Examinations/Make-up Tests

In the case of serious illness or unforeseen emergency, the student is responsible to communicate with the instructor of the course in which the test was missed as soon as practicable and arrange for a make-up test with the instructor. Make-up tests are at the discretion of the individual instructor.

Repeating Courses for Grade Replacement

For grade replacement to apply, the course must have been originally taken at California Baptist University and repeated at California Baptist University. Courses that may be repeated multiple times for credit are not eligible for grade replacement. Tuition will be charged for the repeated units. (See Financial Aid for information regarding use of student aid to pay for repeated courses.) Students may not repeat a course once their degree has posted.

Courses may only be repeated one time for grade replacement. The second grade earned will be used in GPA calculations regardless of which grade is higher. If a grade of C- or higher is not earned when the course is repeated, the student may repeat the course again; however, subsequent grades will not replace the grade from the first repetition. Subsequent grades will be used in GPA calculations.

Grade Changes

Students who believe a grade has been recorded in error have the responsibility to initiate a grade change request with the instructor within 30 days of the final grade being recorded. Requests may be made for grade changes based on computation and recording errors. Otherwise, grades are final at the completion of the course. No grade changes will be permitted once the degree has been posted.

Grade Appeals

Any appeal for a grade change must be accompanied by appropriate documentation to demonstrate the grade was incorrectly recorded or determined. The grade appeal must include documentation that one or more of the following occurred: (1) The instructor made an error in calculating the final grade; (2) The final grade was based on criteria or standards at variance with the course syllabus; (3) The final grade was based on factors other than student achievement or performance. Failure to address one or more of these three reasons is a basis for rejection of that appeal. Students must recognize that they bear the burden of proof in the grade appeal process and that a grade appeal will not be successful without appropriate documentation.

Students wishing to appeal a grade should follow the below regular order of contacts and timelines.

Instructor Appeal

An initial grade appeal should be made directly to the instructor. The student is encouraged to submit a written statement to the instructor clearly specifying the grounds upon which the student disputes the instructor’s academic decision.