Job Knowledge Performance Review Phrases: Effective Guide

Performance review is an integral part of any employee-employer relationship. It provides an opportunity for both parties to reflect on the employee’s progress and identify areas for improvement.

It’s also an excellent way to motivate and encourage employees to improve. With the job knowledge and skills performance review examples in this guide, you should be able to give appropriate feedback following a performance review.

Writing a superb performance report can be challenging – conveying your thoughts about an employee’s job performance is no easy feat. You must provide constructive criticisms while recognizing the employee’s strengths, job knowledge, skills, and hard work.

Performance review is necessary to help employees grow, improve their jobs, and contribute to the company’s success. This article will guide you in writing great performance review reports. It includes some job knowledge and skills performance review examples you could use.

What Is A Performance Review?

A performance review is a process of evaluating and assessing an employee’s job performance. It is an opportunity for employees to provide feedback to their managers and discuss their career goals and aspirations.

Performance reviews cover various topics, including job knowledge, skills, teamwork, and communication. They take place regularly, such as annually or semi-annually.

Benefits of Performance Review

Job Knowledge and Skills Performance Review Examples

person using MacBook Pro

After a performance review, it’s essential to provide feedback to your employee or team members, as the case may be. Using job knowledge performance review phrases will help you communicate more effectively. Communicating the strengths and areas for development with those you supervise or who work under your direction on a project is critical.

A good leader must be able to communicate effectively and avoid misunderstandings. Plan your comments, remember to highlight each employee’s positive traits, and emphasize your willingness to assist while pointing out flaws.

How you provide feedback can either positively or negatively affect the team’s performance. So it’s crucial to use the correct phrases. Whether you’re commending an employee or criticizing their work, you must use the right tone.

Below are some phrases to use when providing feedback on an employee’s job knowledge and skills performance.

Job Knowledge

Exceeded Expectation

Needs Improvement

Interpersonal skills

Exceeded expectation

Needs Improvement

Communication skills

Exceeded expectation

Needs Improvement


Exceeded expectation

Needs Improvement


Exceeded expectations

Needs Improvement


Whether commending an employee or drawing their attention to the need for improvement, you must deliver your performance review in a kind tone.

You don’t want to scare your employees away by discrediting all their work. Focus on their strengths before drawing their attention to the areas for improvement. Keep in mind that the primary purpose of a performance review is for the organization’s success; don’t do anything to jeopardize that.

Job Knowledge Performance Review Phrases: Effective Guide

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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